Monday, April 06, 2009

Princess anyone? Anyone?

My niece, Lolly (3), has recently started to enjoy talking on the phone. The other day she asked me what the boys and I were doing that day. After patiently listening to my long list of to-do's, Lolly asked in a sweet little voice, "Are you going to play with your kids?" She suggested playing dragon, princess and prince charming. Although we didn't end up playing the game she recommended, I was thankful for the reminder to make playing with my boys a priority.

1 comment:

MJG said...

I was just reading an article the other day about this...making sure you leave time in your busy schedule for what counts, time with your kids. Life can be so busy at times. Even now, while William is so small, I'm learning what this means. Kids are amazing. Way to go Lolly!

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