Friday, February 17, 2006

A major update.

It has been awhile since I have recorded the funny things the boys say. I've plenty to write tonight. I will start with Zane, our first born who recently turned four. :o)

Zane has told me for awhile now (even when he was three) that he is planning to adopt babies when he grows up. He doesn't want to get married. He wants to build a big house (he even showed me where) and have all of us live together.

Zane asked that I pray for five more babies. I quickly told him that I would not be including that in our prayer time. I love my boys, but 5 more babies...I don't think so!

Last week Zane said that if I can't remember Daddy's name that I can call him whatever I want. He suggested calling him "Fish Food." I tried that with Cory and for some reason he didn't appreciate it.

Zane and Luke were playing the other day and had a pretend Daddy and Mommy. The Daddy was in and out of jail because he didn't wash his hands when he got home. The Mommy was sick in bed. She was vomiting and was too sick to get to the trash can, sink or toilet. She threw up on Zane's cowboy boot and he had to kick it off. They boys decided to take her a pretend bowl to throw up in. I asked Zane why she was so sick. He said she was pregnant!

Zane is confused by snow. For some reason he thinks the snow means it is Jesus' birthday. He even asked me this week when it snowed (for about an hour) if the snow was Jesus' body. I'm not sure why he thinks that, but it is rather interesting to me.

And now Luke stories...

When I ask Luke questions like "Why did you go potty in the tub?" or "Why did you go poop in your diaper?" he tells me, "Because God made us that way!"

When I ask Luke to do something he doesn't want to do, he says, "My hands are busy." He may have something in his hands or just have them folded. He got that phrase from me. He may ask me to do something and I'll say, for example, "My hands are busy right now; I'm doing the dishes." Now he is using it against me!

Luke, like other little ones, has trouble saying truck. He, of course, says a rather naughty version that starts with an F. We go back in forth practicing. I say truck and then he...doesn't. After about ten times he will say, "pick-up." I think that is a clever way to solve the problem.

And now our little Cade:

Cade starting eating rice cereal 2/13/06. He thought it was funny and made boat noises. He managed to spray the cereal pretty far.

Yesterday Cade went from a laying position to a sitting position all by himself. Once at Grandma's house and once at home.

Today I took him to the Doctor. Dr. Holo went on and on about how smart he is and that he could be the Gerber baby. She also said that he is doing several things you wouldn't expect to see until 9 months. Boy, she sure made me proud. She probably says nice things like that to every mother, but I sure enjoy hearing it. :o)

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