Luke is quite good at communicating his thoughts even though it is just one word at a time. A couple examples from today:
He was talking about the parade he was in yesterday and said, "Parade. Candy. Throw. Throw. Loud." Translation: He threw candy in the parade and the parade was loud.
At dinner he said," Potty. Potty. Hurry. Now." Then we went to the bathroom and he sat down and said "Door. Shut. See (and shook his head no)." Translation: Shut the door I don't want anyone to see. (I've been trying to teach Zane about privacy/modesty and Luke is getting the message too.) Then when we went to wash his hands, he said "towel" when he was ready to dry his hands.
The other day he was trying to tell me he was hungry and kept saying "eat." I wasn't sure what he was saying and so I told him I didn't understand. He thought for a moment and then said "eat" in sign language. He is very patient if it takes awhile to understand what he is saying. I'm impressed with his language ability.