Saturday, October 23, 2004

W, Mickey and The Blankets

Zane's imaginary friends are W and Mickey (as in the mouse.) He plays with them right along. Today he pushed W down and W hurt his knee. I told W that I would understand if he wanted to go home because Zane wasn't being nice. However, after leaving our house, W just stared at Zane through the window. What a faithful friend.

Zane also talks to his blanket. We went to KFC today and I told Zane his blanket had to stay home and take care of the house. He kissed his blanket and told him where we were going and apologized that he wouldn't be able to come along.

Speaking of blankets, Luke has a favorite one too. It is a very soft, cream, lap blanket that I bought several years ago before I had children. I truly wanted a baby, but pregnancy eluded me. Only our creator knew that I would one day wrap up my precious Luke in that blanket and it would be his favorite. Thank you, God.

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