Wednesday, September 16, 2009


This year Zane and Luke have started attending HomeSource, a charter school for homeschool students. My main purpose for enrolling them is for social interaction and extracurricular activities. I am still teaching them all their core classes at home. At HomeSource, they are taking two K-2 classes: Forest Exploration and Kitchen Chemistry. So far we have been three times and they are enjoying themselves. Here are a few pictures from today's Chemistry class. They were learning about colors.

Zane is reading to the class a poem we worked on together about Potato Soup.

Parents are required to stay on premises and are encouraged to be in class with their children. I bring things for Cade to do and we get to observe the class. Today I bribed him with a quarter to concentrate on writing his name. I showed him what to do and then he wrote his name for the first time! I think he did great. :-)

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